Social Worker
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There are many ways that students end up in conversation with me/ in my office; here
are the most common ways:
Self-referral: Students are able to give me notes if they wish to visit me or let their
teacher know. This is a great way for kids to advocate for themselves when they
have something they want to talk about.
Staff-referral: Teachers come to me when there are social-emotional concerns or
when there's a behavior that they would like help with.
Referral from home: Parents and guardians are welcome to call me with
questions or concerns that they have.
Peer-referral: When students see a friend or classmate in need of help, they can
leave me a note to express their concerns.
I can be reached by email at or by phone at 253.800.5178.
Washington Connection
Assists with inquiring about and applying for resources from the state.
United Way
"Go to" resource for all of Pierce County. This has information to
every type of resource from shelters, food, utilities, home repair, etc., etc. Call 2-
1-1 and you will get a live person to assist you. For independent research, you
can use the website. This is a great resource for volunteering as well.
Kids Mental Health Pierce County
Kids’ Mental Health Pierce County is a group of agencies and professionals
dedicated to improving child and adolescent mental health treatment and
prevention in Pierce County.
Resource for students and families who have a family member diagnosed with
This is the Curriculum that our district has adopted to support Social Emotional
Learning in our students. Social Emotional Learning provides our students with
tools and strategies for emotion and conflict management, growth mindset and
interpersonal skills. More about this can be found in the Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction (OSPI) SEL website.
A comprehensive list of resources in our area.
Parent Map
Positive Parenting Solutions